Good reasons to come to the Casale
Due the intereting places on the zone

Cause you will not resist to the kitchen
The Pianura Pontina is well knowed for his typical seafood, countryside and mountain cuisines, with local delicacies like Mozzarella di Bufala, oils and olives, hams and cold meats, fresh vegetables and artisan bread.
Also at the Casale always you will find vegetarian plates!

Also at the Casale always you will find vegetarian plates!

Due the weather
A nice weather, from April until October, that invites you to go to the beach at summer and make excursions also in the less warm months of the year.

Because come here is so easy

The highway A1 that connects us with all Europe and a motorway arrives until the Casale doors.
Finally, a large ferroviary and bus network connect us with the bigger and little cities
Because our history will surprise you!

The house, an old grain storehouse on 1500, was taked to familly hands at the ends of 1700, with the arrival of the Bonifica Pontina. Lots of histories told that we will be very happy to share.
Due the lots of zones where spend your time inside the Casale

Because you won't know waht to choose

We are surrounded of nature, history and pleasant company.
Cause our guest are always specials
Every year the Casale get guest of all the world. Travel partners that find in this world ancient retreat , that always get a fusion of all, of different languajes and places.

Due their activities
Because the different activities. From the music to the theater throught the cinema. From book releases until expositions. Birthdays, launches, partys... The Casale, from the year 1500 is a rich activity center.

For us
The residents of Casale always open, and with pleasure, his home. Giving away to their guests all the util information of the zone, often accompanied for otuings, that in other way, couldn't be possibles. Other times arranging launchs where share histories, always gratefully, year after year to hese guests that collaborate to large tradition of hospitality in the Casale Rappini.